Jan Schlüter
Sander Dieleman
EMBL-EBI, 2016-04-21

This is the accompanying web page for the Theano/Lasagne tutorial held by Jan Schlüter and Sander Dieleman at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) in Hinxton, England on 2016-04-21. It introduces neural networks and shows how to train them using the open-source libraries Theano and Lasagne.


PDF download

Excercise downloads

Skeleton for Digit Recognition network: mlp.py


Jan Schlüter (OFAI): http://ofai.at/~jan.schlueter

Sander Dieleman (Google DeepMind): http://benanne.github.io

Further references

Theano, Lasagne and other Software

Lasagne repository

Lasagne documentation

Lasagne step-by-step installation

Lasagne Recipes (advanced code examples)

Theano repository

Deep Learning Tutorials

Software list by deeplearning.net

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen

Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition by Andrej Karpathy et al.

Reading list by deeplearning.net

Recent research papers

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